Pride in the past, momentum for the future.
Since Centerville’s last comprehensive plan was adopted in 2004, The City and the surrounding region have changed. In addition, community leaders and residents have expressed a desire to continue to build on Centerville’s momentum to help it to become an even better place than it is today. Maintaining a high quality of life for existing and potential future residents, providing a variety of housing options, and improving places where people spend time are just some of the topics that are anticipated to be addressed through the planning process. Centerville has both a rich history to celebrate and an opportunity to move forward deliberately and thoughtfully in planning for the future.
The planning process will take approximately one year. The public engagement process is kicking off in June 2024 and there will be multiple opportunities to get involved.

Why should I participate?
This is a special opportunity.
Long-range planning is important because it will shape the City for years to come. The City is committed to updating its policies to make Centerville a desirable community in which to live, work, visit and do business.
Now is the time.
While Centerville has prioritized good planning, the City's comprehensive plan is two decades old. An updated plan will reflect current conditions and trends, help the City to take stock of what is going well, and assist in proactively addressing challenges.
You are the expert.
No one knows the community like those who live or work here. Every person in Centerville has something to contribute.
Everyone’s voice will be heard.
Everyone who cares about the future of Centerville is invited to share their ideas. Input will directly inform the plan.
We’re in this together.
Through collaboration, we can ensure that the City will thrive for future generations.
Who is involved?
Steering Committee
Process and outreach.
A Volunteer Steering Committee is helping to guide the public process and the plan’s recommendations. The group is representative of the City’s many diverse interests.
Targeted input.
Individuals with specific interests or expertise will be engaged to provide insight during the planning process.
Input and feedback.
Widespread public involvement is vital to the success of the planning process. A number of in-person workshops and online tools will offer a variety of ways for the community to give input throughout the process.
Project management, local knowledge.
City staff will support and help to coordinate the work and will also provide local knowledge to inform each element of the plan.
Process leadership and expertise.
A consultant team will work closely with the Steering Committee and Staff to facilitate the process and share experience from other successful communities nationwide.